The Gulf War

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The Gulf War
In-depth Examination
Marking the fifth anniversary of the war with iraq, frontline investigates what really happened during the invasion of kuwait, the months of diplomatic maneuvering, the air war and ground assault, and the post-war rebellion inside iraq. the two-hour episodes are built around dozens of interviews with key political and military leaders in the u.s., its allies, and iraq, as well as soldiers on both sides of the front line. interviews include general norman schwarzkopf, general colin powell, former secretary of state james baker, former secretary of defense richard cheney, britain's margaret thatcher, mikhail gorbachev, hosni mubarak of egypt, jordan's king hussein, and israeli premier yitzahk shamir.

Myths and Facts
Encyclopedia of jewish history and culture covering everything from anti-semitism to zionism. includes a glossary, bibliography, biographies, articles, virtual israel tour, original documents and more!

Gulf War Syndrome
I finally came to the conclusion one day that our country had provided the biologicals to saddam hussein that were used on our troops. our troops are sick and they are dying.

Desert Storm 1990-1991
General information on the gulf war.

Desert Storm
Desert Storm

Nat. Gulf War Resource Cent
The ngwrc is the leading international organization providing advocacy for gulf war veterans.

Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery

Tv News Collection
Broadcasting collection, university of maryland, college park. former north alabama faculty research project (1992-2001) has most original televisie tapes in an academic archive for gulf war news.

The Mistakes of the Gulf War
The Mistakes of the Gulf War

The Gulf War
An in depth summary of the gulf war.

Stories The Media Loved
Stories The Media Loved

Veteran Resource Pages
The mission of the gulf war veteran resource pages is to disseminate health related information to veterans of the persian gulf war in an unbiased format. the site is a community center for veterans of both persian gulf wars; these vets share photos, first hand testimonials, participate in threaded discussion groups, and share contact information in the gwvrp locator database. although the site originated with a focus on veterans of the united states military, there is information available pertaining to persian gulf war veterans from other nations. rss feeds from the site are available.

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